By working with a wide range of energy suppliers we ensure that we have access to the best market pricing available. Prices can vary by 28% between the highest and the lowest quote for each customer. If you only ever check the price of your current suppliers, its rare that they will provide you with the lowest price in the market. our portal takes the pain away from you needing to trawl the market looking for the best deal. All the suppliers utilised have been carefully screened and selected on their long term financial viability, billing accuracy , ease to do business with and responsiveness to our clients. Rather than having dozens of unproven and untested suppliers, we only partner with the very best. The cost of placing business with a financially unstable or unethical supplier can be catastrophic to your business, let us guide you in this vital decision.
One thing is for sure – Energy pricing is increasing! In fact, the Energy market is so dynamic that the pricing can move within days and its normally always in an upward direction. The quotations that Ikonix provide are ‘live’ pricing so always keen and competitive which needs a rapid response to secure the rates.
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3rd party devices may not function as originally designed on our platform and may not be covered under maintenance arrangements