Ericsson-LG’s new and enhanced web based iPECS One presents a stunning new upgraded ability to use Unified Communications and collaboration throughout a range of platforms and services that neatly integrate within a Cloud Based telephone system giving you all the features that a traditional telephone system can offer along with a whole lot more.

Web Based Portal

The iPecs One Platform has been designed to upgrade, modernise and replace the very popular and successful UCE. Log in from anywhere – simply sign in using your unique user name and password from any web based platform to allow access.

By using the new technology of WEB RTC, any user using a PC or Laptop can simply imbed the software into the user browser avoiding the need to update the APP or possibly uninstall and reinstall.

Specifically designed to be supported on Chrome by Ericsson-LG but works well on other web browsers including edge etc and can even be used on Apple devices such as Apple Mac’s as they support Chrome in there own right.

Simple to use

With a very familiar interface that most people have been used to using, the platform provides all the normal tabs, chat, call, contacts and video calling etc and because it uses the Web RTC technology you can instantly join meetings without the need for downloading additional software such as Zoom or Teams.

iPecs One also supports the ability to add features such as Outlook integration and CRM integration providing a truly collaborative unified communications tool.

Key Features

Multiple Devices

With the iPecs One standard licence,  you are able to use this on three separate devices at the same time. So you can be logged into the Mobile, Desktop and phone at the same time and you decide which devices ring.

Simple Deployment

1. Ikonix will send out a link and a QR Code.

2. Customer click on link or scan the QR code from a smart device.                                     

3. No software needs installing 

4. Latest software always pushed out

Easy Access

Easy log in – from wherever you are – access a Web browser and enter your ID and password and you are connected – if its your regular PC, save the iPecs One to the Chrome Apps for a simple one Click connection.


iPECS One Full Client - 3 Devices

£9.99 per Licence

Click to Dial & Outlook Integration

£1.60 per Licence

CRM Integration

CRM Integration

£6.00 per Licence

Call Control

£1.60 per Licence

iPECS ONE User Video Guides

Using video Chat on iOS

iOS Contacts overview

Using chat on desktop

Desktop log in & profile overview

Desktop homescreen

Android user settings